About Me

I am a PhD student at the University of Birmingham in the UK, working with autistics to create criteria for the design of space. I would like your ideas. I am also a landscape architect, part of the London Autistic Rights Movement (LondonARM)and a trustee of DANDA (Developmental Adult Neuro-Diversity Association).

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Would you like to join my research?

I am working with people on the autistic spectrum to create guidelines for the design of space to meet their sensory requirements.

Are your senses are affected by where you live, traveling and being in different places, where you work?

You can take part in the research in several ways:

You can join the Facebook group. The group is a secret group to protect your privacy. You need to go to my Home page 'Sarah Clemerson', ask to be my friend and I will invite you to join the group.

If you don't like or use Facebook, there is a Yahoo group Autism, space and sensory accessibility. On the right hand is a link ‘Join This Group’. The group is also private.

Meet for a live discussion group, I live in North Hertfordshire and can travel to other areas.

Go on a walk, outing or spend the day with me doing your usual actives.

During this time, you can tell me how the environment affects your senses, what you see, what you feel.

Why you might walk one way rather than another, or choose one type of transport or place to carry out activities rather than another.

Places you like to go to and others you avoid and why

You can speak to me on Facebook the phone, by email or by letter.

Phone: number 01462 636 831

Email: sarah@sarah-clemerson-autism-and-space.com

Address: Sarah Clemerson

Postgraduate Researcher

School of Education
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Tell me what you think of this photo

photo: MPCUBE Co., Ltd

What do you think of this picture. What make this space comfortable or uncomfortable?

What do you think of this picture. What make this space comfortable or uncomfortable?

Feel free to upload pictures of places you like and add your comments, about how the space affects you and what you see in the space. Do you have to break the space down into simple shapes and colours? Can you see in three 'd'?

My research

The research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom.

I am at the School of Education at the University of Birmingham

My supervisor is Professor Gary Thomas, Professor of Inclusion and Diversity.

This research is approved by the University of Birmingham ethics committee

My research philosophy is informed by the work of Carl Rodgers and Paulo Freire, the educationalist and radical also influences me, both believe that we are equal and can learn from each other to find the solution to our problems and issues.

How you can join in

I want to work with people on the autistic spectrum to create criteria for the design of space to meet the sensory requirements of people on the autistic spectrum.

If your senses are affected by the different places you go to, and you would like to tell me about it, please leave a comment.

If you do not want other people to see your post let me know and I can contact you another way. Follow the link for my contact details

I want work with autistic people to find out what sensory needs are when they are indoors and outside to create guidelines to create places that are more comfortable for them and everyone else.

You can join in by leaving a post on this blog.

If you know of other people affected in a similar way, you can form a group with them to discuss what your sensory requirements are and then send them to me.